Full form of WHO, what is the full form of WHO?

The full form of WHO is the “World Health Organization” working for the health sector since 1948. It is an organization of the United Nations that is on the mission to deliver health care services to all across the world. WHO works with governments, the private sector, and many other big agencies to ensure the health of the people. The headquarters of WHO is in Geneva, Switzerland, and also a member of UNDP (United Nations Development Group). The main streamline of WHO is to assist the people of the globe for better health. Moreover, WHO participates in global health matters, health research agenda, Nutrition Facts, Cleaning & sanitation, etc. Similarly, setting up international standards of the foods, medications, and vaccines-related stuff is also an integral part of work by WHO.

WHO means World Health Organization. This association of the United Nations that is on the mission to deliver health care provides facilities to all across the world. WHO is to assist the people of the globe for better health. Moreover, WHO participates in global health matters, health research agenda, Nutrition Facts, Cleaning & sanitation, etc.

World Health Organization

WHO also works regularly on major diseases like Influenza, HIV & diseases related to the kidney, heart & Lungs, etc. The World Health Organization operates with the member countries and seeks regularly any guidance or support. More than 150 country offices, 6 regional offices, and 7000 plus employees. They all are working with hardcore dedication to fight and cure diseases to make people healthier. The WHO provides and regulates the guidelines and health policies that are relevant for a particular time period to tackle ongoing health problems. their primary purpose is to direct and regulate international health within the United Nations system.
Their main domains of work are health systems; health through the life-course like non-communicable and transmittable diseases; preparedness, surveillance, and response; and corporate services.
They assist countries as they coordinate the efforts of governments and partners – including bi- and multilateral, funds and establishments, civil society organizations, and the individual sector.

WHO was formed on 7 April 1948. The Parent organization of WHO is the United Nations Economic and Social Council. The Director General of WHO is Tedros Adhanom. The Budget of WHO for the year 2020–2021 is $7.96 billion. WHO is actively working in the area of health. 

The Customer service number of WHO is 011 6656 4800. The budget of WHO is 938.76 crores USD. The subsidiaries of WHO is the Pan American Health Organization and Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response. There are 193 Member States which includes all UN Member States except Liechtenstein, and 2 non-UN members are also there namely Niue and the Cook Islands. 

TermFull Form
WHOWorld Health Organization


What Does WHO Mean?

working for the health sector since 1948. It is an organization of the United Nations that is on the mission to deliver health care services to all across the world. WHO works with governments, the private sector, and many other big agencies to ensure the health of the people.

What is short form of World Health Organization?

WHO is short form of World Health Organization.

What is Full Form of WHO?

World Health Organization is full form of WHO.

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Full form of WHO, what is the full form of WHO?
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