IUPAC is used to establish the international standard for naming compounds that are used in communication. IUPAC provides each and every structure a unique name and combines it with a unique compound.
Who started IUPAC?
It was first recognized in the year 1860 by the committee which was headed by a German scientist. They were the first ones to create the international naming system for different organic compounds.
President of IUPAC
Natalia Tarasova is the president of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
Mentioned below are the roles of IUPAC: To provide standardization in chemistry Helps to resolve disputes It seeks to maintain international cooperation between chemists Sets guidelines
Importance of work of IUPAC
IUPAC work became important because it maintains dialogue technically among different scientists worldwide. It includes the authority of world on terminology, different methods for measurement, and many other evaluation of data.
IUPAC has published its various books that includes the full list of different definitions. These definitions are categorized into seven color books i.e. red, gold, green blue, purple, orange and white.