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Amniotic Fluid Index

Causes of low amniotic fluid

– Leak in the membrane is caused due to tear in the membrane. – Low amniotic fluid is caused by placental problems. – Low amniotic fluid is also caused by maternal complications and birth defects.

Introduction AFI

AFI is useful for a pregnant uterus. It is a protective liquid containing the amniotic sac. It includes the following function as protective, nutritive, and diagnostic function. An abnormal increase or decrease of AFI  increases the risk of fetal death.

Normal AFI

By using the standard assessment method the normal AFI is 5 cm to 25 cm. Oligohydramnios is known as less than 5 cm. Polyhydramnios is known as greater than 25 cm.

Results, Reporting, Critical Findings

– At least for 30 seconds the movement of the fetal diaphragm is known as fetal breathing. – In the fetal body at least 3 discrete movements are known as fetal movements. – Fetal tone – Amniotic fluid volume (at least 2 cm)