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Acid-Fast Bacilli

AFB Uses

This is used for those people who are already recognized with TB. This test ensures that treatment is working and infection is not spreading to other people.

Types of tests


The two types of AFB tests are: AFB Smear: The result of this test is provided in one-two day. AFB culture: The result of this test is provided in six to eight weeks.

Need to do the test


If a person found any symptom of TB then he/she needs to do this test. The symptoms include coughs in the last three weeks, cough with blood, fever, unlimited weight loss, and many more.

What happens during testing?

You have to cough in a deep way in a container so that they take samples. This you have to do two-three times in a row. They make sure that they take enough samples for testing.

More to know

If you do not take proper treatment in time then you risk your life. The proper treatment of TB includes a period of six to nine months and getting treatment as soon as possible.