The Full form of VSNL is Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited

The Full form of VSNL is Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited. The interesting fact is VSNL is a telecommunication company. It is popularly known as Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited. However, it is an Indian-based company. It is a well-known telecommunication company. Indeed, VSNL was set up in the year 1989. But it was not a single own ship company. VSNL was a public sector enterprise. However, VSNL caters to foreign communication services also. As a result, the Indian government privatized VSNL. This happened in the year 2002. One of the major industrial groups took over it. The TATA Group acquired control over it. In this case, the company gained profit. Consequently, it was India’s largest player. That also gave way for long-distance services. Moreover, VSNL had a good repo in domestic services. They had strong pan-India in domestic long-distance services. Thereupon the company started operating other services also. They provided services such as land line stations. Then undersea cables managed services etc. Furthermore, it concentrated in leased lines & data centers also. VSNL was the world’s largest wholesale service. Around 415 direct & bilateral relationships were focused. Moreover, it had 17 million annually. 

Run by the TATA group and with the government of India. That means not fully owned by a single owner a public-private limited company. Which stands for small computer system interference. Or Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited.

Do people also think that how can they operate VSNL email?

  1. They can visit VSNL net login page with the use of the Following link.
  2. 2. The login can be done by using a username and password.
  3. The login screen will indicate your successful login
  4. If you cant access it. Then check for the troubleshooting option
  5. Try Google link
Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited

MISSION of VSNL has its own web portal

To develop a robust and secure state-of-the-art telecommunication network providing seamless coverage with special focus on rural and remote areas for bridging the digital divide and thereby facilitate socio-economic development; create an inclusive knowledge society through the proliferation of affordable and high-quality broadband services across the nation; reposition the mobile device as an instrument of socio-economic empowerment of citizens; make India a global hub for telecom equipment manufacturing; promote the development of new standards to meet national requirements; attract investment, both domestic and foreign and promote creation of jobs.

Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited was previously known as Tata Communications Limited. The CEO of VSNL is Amur Swaminathan Lakshminarayanan. The Headquarters of VSNL is located in Mumbai. The total revenue is INR 17,100 crores. Some of the services provided by VSNL are Internet Services, Data Center Services, Mobile Communications Services, Cloud Telephony, Cloud Networking, etc.

TermFull Form
VSNLVidesh Sanchar Nigam Limited


What Does VSNL Mean?

The interesting fact is VSNL is a telecommunication company. It is popularly known as Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited. However it is an Indian based company. It is a well known telecommunication company. Indeed, VSNL was set up in the year 1989.

What is short form of Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited?

VSNL is short form of Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited.

What is Full Form of VSNL?

Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited is full form of VSNL.

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The Full form of VSNL is Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
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