The Full form of TB is Tuberculosis

The Full form of TB is Tuberculosis. It is interesting to know about the facts of TB. Here, the full form of TB is Tuberculosis. In the first place, TB is caused by a bacterial infection. Now, let’s go into detail about the bacteria.

However, the bacteria called Mycobacterium is the main cause of TB. Moreover, TB is considered to be a highly infected one. In current medical practice, it can be diagnosed. First, let us find how TB enters your body. There are very small lumps of bacteria. Usually affects the lungs. Sometimes it can also affect the other parts of the body. In general, if TB affects a person, he has to consult a physician.

The physician will check the depth of TB through the various tests. It can be a skin test or X-ray. In fact, TB can most commonly affect people with less immunity power. Sometimes with people with immune system problems. Such as AIDS etc. To point out, in countries like the USA, TB is treated for free. This means, if a person is affected by TB, he will be given free treatment. The physician will prescribe a course of antibiotics. Notable this will be for the duration of six months.

What can be the three stages of TB?

The disease TB is divided into three stages which the first stage is exposure second latent and the third and last one is active. The disease can be tested and cured by the skin test and the blood test which can be helpful in the diagnosis of the patient.


How can boost the immune system to fight TB?
Soybean: It assists to strengthen your immune system which is necessary to fight the TB-causing bacteria.
Paneer: Paneer or cottage cheese can be sliced into small pieces and added to your khichdi or other meals. Paneer is a great source of protein that assists in building muscles and giving your strength.

As Tuberculosis is an airborne disease it can spread respiratory droplets such as coughs and sneezes. It can also spread through saliva.  Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is a vaccine for tuberculosis (TB) disease. The most common treatment for active TB is isoniazid INH combined with three other drugs rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. 

Tuberculosis is curable and preventable. Only proper treatment is required. Selman Waksman was the person who discovered a compound called streptomycin which acted against the Tuberculosis (TB) bacteria. This compound was given to a patient and it was observed after consumption of the compound, the patient was cured of TB.

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What Does TB Mean?

It is interesting to know about the facts of TB. Hear, the full form of TB is Tuberculosis. In the first place TB is caused by a bacterial infection. Now lets go in detail about the bacteria. However, the bacteria called Mycobacterium is the main cause for TB. Moreover TB is considered to be a highly infected one. In current medical practice, it can be diagnosed. First, let us find how TB enters into your body.

What is short form of Tuberculosis?

TB is short form of Tuberculosis.

What is Full Form of TB?

Tuberculosis is Full Form of TB.

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The Full form of TB is Tuberculosis
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