U- Full Form

Full form of USSD, what is the full form of USSD?

Originally posted 2022-03-01 22:50:35. AThe full form of USSD is Unstructured Supplementary Service Data. Feature Codes and Quick Codes are other names given to it. The codes are useful when communicating among the company in this world. Additionally, The codes have direct communication with the GSM world for open calling and texting. The codes are […]

Full form of USB, what is the full form of USB?

The full form of USB is Universal Serial Bus. Majorly for transferring data and to supply electricity, this USB was found. The universal serial bus is defined as a USB in industries for connecting cables, connectors and is also used for power supply. This connection will supply power between computers, electronic devices. And also for […]

Full form of UNICEF, what is the full form of UNICEF?

The Full form of UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund. However, the original full form for the same was United Nations International Children’s, Emergency Fund. This was changed after they drop words like Emergency and International. Moreover, this happened when the United Nations made UNICEF a permanent part of its organization. The main motive […]

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