R- Full Form

Full form of RSS, what is the full form RSS?

The full form of RSS is Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. It is world’s largest voluntary Non-governmental organization. And their major focus is on Volunteering and patriotic activities. The organization is right-wing, charitable, educational organization. On September 27th 1925, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was formed. The purpose of finding RSS is to provide selfless service to India and […]

Full form of RSA, what is the full form of RSA?

The full form of RSA is Rivest, Shamir, Adleman. RSA Data Security, Inc develops this technology. RSA is invented by Rivest, Shamir, & Adleman which is public-key encryption for securing the transmission of data. It was available for securing the transmission of data. It is standard encryption that we use to transfer sensitive data over […]

Full form of RMO, what is the full form of RMO?

The full form of RMO is Resident Medical officer. As it says, RMO is a person who works in public hospitals to gain some medical experience. This training can be opted post completing a 1st-year internship. This Medical practitioner will work under the supervision of either a senior person or Medical professionals. These professionals are […]

Full form of RRB, What is the full form of RRB?

The full form of RRB is railway recruitment board. This is like a placement agency for all the candidates of railways, Moreover, it is responsible for all the recruitments of the Indian railway’s positions. It was earlier Railways service commission. However, they later renamed it The Railway recruitment board. It is the sole of the […]

Full form of RC, what is the full form of RC?

The Full form of RC is a Registration Certificate. The RC or VRC Vehicle Registration Certificate is the official document of purchase of your vehicle. Moreover, the document has the registration number of the vehicle and your identity for the latter purpose. This is the most important document for your vehicle at the time of […]

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