P- Full Form

Full form of PWD, What does PWD stand for ?

The full form of PWD is Public Works Department, which is an Indian Government Department that actually deals with the construction and maintenance of public infrastructures such as roads, government buildings, bridges, water systems, and more. It is a central authority that looks after all the types of public sector works in India. PWD also […]

Full form of PV, what is the full form of PV?

Originally posted 2022-02-17 20:55:05. The full form of PV is Polycythemia Vera. This is a type of Blood cancer that produces lots of RBC(red blood cells) in excess and it’s slow-growing cancer. Rather than excess production of Blood cells, it also causes Blood clots, which in turn leads to a Heart attack. Additionally, this excess […]

Full form of PVC, what is the full form of PVC?

The Full form of PVC is Poly Vinyl Chloride. CH2=CHCl is the formula for the same. Additionally, this is a thermoplastic that is meltdown when at heat and easily solidifies when undercooling. The PVC material is widely available in the form of Bottles, household materials, pipes, buckets, and other such things. It is the third-largest used form […]

Full form of PSU, what is the full form of PSU?

The full form of PSU is Public sector Undertaking. As mentioned, PSU’s are Government-owned corporations wherein major company’s portion is handled by central or state government. In some cases, partly by central and partly by State government too. The reason behind PSU’s creation is to take commercial projects under its own control. And the most […]

Full form of PT, what is the full form of PT?

Originally posted 2022-02-16 07:59:00. The full form of PT is Physical Training. This type of training includes exercise, body movement and other regular workouts for your body. Moreover, this type of training is really important for a healthy lifestyle. Nowadays, there are special provisions in school to add more and more PT periods for the […]

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