Full form of RDX, what is the full form of RDX?

The Full form of RDX is Research Department Explosive or Royal Demolition Explosive. It is one of the most powerful chemicals. Additionally, the main application is military explosions or can be available in terms of war. The first instance of using the RDX was in world war 2. since then the military used this in various instances. This includes the use in wars, the use in demolishing infrastructure, and mock military drives. It is a white color and a tasteless collection of chemicals that form powerful bonds. These bonds when expose to heat explode with a bang sound.  The chemical name to the RDX is Nitramide.

RDX means Research Department Explosive or Royal Demolition Explosive. The first instance of using the RDX was in World War 2. Since then the military use this in various examples. Although you can say that it is one of the most significant chemicals. Additionally, the main use is military explosions or can be available in terms of war.

Research Department Explosive

Furthermore, we certainly mix the RDX with other explosive compounds to have a bigger explosion. Also, there are many other applications for the RDX too. The Army provides these explosives to contributors to demolish big buildings too. One instance for such explosion is the Jamestown bridge in the US. Moreover, it is a very safe way to demolish the buildings fastly and effectively with the permission of the military. The RDX is the main agent in the C4 plastic explosives. We can mix this up with various others to make them more powerful.

do you know that?
RDX, an abbreviation of Research Department eXplosive or Royal Demolition Explosive, as formally cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, additionally called cyclonite, hexogen, or T4, a powerful explosive, determined by Georg Friedrich Henning of Germany and patented in 1898 but not used until World War II, when most of the belligerent strengths.

Research Department Explosive or Royal Demolition Explosive (RDX) was widely used during World War II. RDX is often used in mixtures with other explosives and plasticizers or phlegmatizers. RDX has been used in many bomb plots and terrorist plots. RDX has limited civilian use as a rat poison.

Let us know more about George Frideric Henning, the inventor of RDX. 

Georg Friedrich Henning was born October 15, 1863, in Wietstock Pomerania. He was a German chemist, pharmacist, and entrepreneur. A company was founded by Georg Friedrich Henning named as Henning-Laokoon” later it was renamed as  “Henning Berlin GmbH.”

TermFull Form
RDXResearch Department Explosive or Royal Demolition Explosive


What Does RDX Mean?

It is one of the most powerful chemicals. Additionally, the main application is military explosions or can be available in terms of war. The first instance of using the RDX was in world war 2.

What is short form of Research Department Explosive or Royal Demolition Explosive?

RDX is short form of Research Department Explosive or Royal Demolition Explosive.

What is Full Form of RDX?

Research Department Explosive or Royal Demolition Explosive is full form of RDX.

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Full form of RDX, what is the full form of RDX?
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