The full form of PTO is Please Turn Over. This is a basic slang that is available in the sheets of exams, question papers, and several official documents. Generally, we write this to inform the reader that there is some content on the next page too. We shall write this at the bottom of the paper where it is properly visible. It was first written because several students didn’t go to the next page to see the content. This results in missing important information and misinterpretation among students. Now, with the help of PTO, we can always tell the reader that some content is still available.
Please Turn Over means PTO. It is basic slang that is available in the sheets of exams, question papers, and several official documents. We shall inscribe this at the bottom of the paper where it is correctly visible. It was first printed because several students didn’t go to the next page to see the content.
please turn over it is a most commonly used term in book or notebook systems and you can see its use on the question paper or other documents, many times we ignore the necessary part of any documents but if here paper maker or document provider use PTO. on it then it means some are a part can be untouched by us and it can be the necessary turn of documents.
Furthermore, let us understand the proper usage of PTO with the help of an example. A student wants to draw a diagram of the answer. He starts writing the answer and it took almost more than half of the page. Now, he wants to fit in the diagram However he is unable to do so. Now, he can simply write PTO at the bottom and make the diagram on the next page. This will even help the invigilator to mark for answers effectively. Also, this will increase the readability of your answer.
Please turn over (PTO) is very much useful. This makes the person understand that more information is available on the next page. Please Turn Over (PTO) is also a 1959 black and white British comedy film written by Norman Hudis. This film became very popular in the UK.
It is the responsibility of teachers to correct the papers of many students. In some cases, if you have written your answers on two pages and the paper checker did not notice, you will not be given marks. PTO is therefore necessary. It helps the paper checker to realize that you have written more.
Term | Full Form |
PTO | Please Turn Over |
his is a basic slang that is available in the sheets of exams, question papers, and several official documents. Generally, we write this to inform the reader that there is some content on the next page too. We shall write this at the bottom of the paper where it is properly visible.
PTO is short form of Please Turn Over.
Please Turn Over is full form of PTO.
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