MCA Full Form, What is the Full form of MCA?

The full form of MCA is Middle Cerebral Artery is the largest cerebral artery and is the vessel most commonly affected by a cerebrovascular accident. MCA is an interruption of blood flow to the areas of the brain which receive blood through the middle cerebral artery. A middle cerebral artery stroke is caused due to blood clot that traveled from the heart or from the carotid artery and is lodged in the middle cerebral artery, which blocks the blood flow. There are a number of risks that a person can face from MCA are –
• heart disease
• carotid artery disease
• a stroke in any location in the brain, such as high cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes.
Common symptoms of MCA are –
• neglect
• hemiparesis
• ataxia
• perceptual deficits
• cognitive deficits
• speech deficits
• visual disorders.
Signs and symptoms of MCA are –
• Hemiparesis or hemiplegia of the lower half of the contralateral face.
• Hemiparesis or hemiplegia of the contralateral upper and lower extremities.
• Sensory loss of the contralateral face, arm, and leg.
• Ataxia of contralateral extremities.
• Speech impairments/aphasia.
• Perceptual deficits.
• Visual disorders.
For advanced investigation, the diagnosis from where the MCA can be detected is from CT Scan or MRI. Arteries carry blood in the brain which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the brain.

Middle Cerebral Artery

The middle cerebral artery is the most populous branch of the inner carotid. The artery provides a portion of the frontal projection and the parallel surface of the temporary and parietal lobes, including the fundamental motor and distinct areas of the face, throat, hand, and arm, and in the dominant territory, the areas for communication.

Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) can be seen with some common symptoms such as speech deficits ranging from mild dysarthria and mild aphasia to global aphasia, unilateral weakness or numbness, facial droop. In MCA, the frontal lobe and lateral surface of the temporal and parietal lobes get blocked.

Is Middle Cerebral Artery (MCA) stroke serious?
Yes, MCA is very serious and devastating. It leads to high rates of disability and death. It is observed that MCA stroke survivors never gain the functionality of the body part.
Did you know that there are three types of stroke in general- Ischemic stroke, Hemorrhagic stroke, Transient ischemic attack.

TermFull Form
MCAMiddle Cerebral Artery


What Does MCA Mean?

The full form of MCA is Middle Cerebral Artery is the largest cerebral artery and is the vessel most commonly affected by cerebrovascular accident. MCA is an interruption of blood flow to the areas of brain which receive blood through middle cerebral artery. A middle cerebral artery stroke caused due to blood clot that traveled from the heart or from the carotid artery, and lodged in the middle cerebral artery, which block the blood flow.

What is short form of Middle Cerebral Artery?

MCA is short form of Middle Cerebral Artery.

What is Full Form of MCA?

Middle Cerebral Artery is Full Form of MCA.

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MCA Full Form, What is the Full form of MCA?
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