Full form of GOOGLE, what is the full form of GOOGLE?

The Full form of GOOGLE is the Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth. It’s not an official full form but it does means the same. However, Google came from the word Googol which means a very large number. Google is an American company that is most popularly known for its search engine. Most of the profit or gains of google come from this search engine. The company is a subsidiary of the parent company Alphabet. Mr. Sundar Pichai is now the CEO of Google.

Google का Full Form होता है “Global Organization of Orientated Group Language of Earth “.

GOOGLE is known as the Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth. Google is an American enterprise that is most popularly known for its search engine. The company is a lesser of the parent company Alphabet. Mr. Sundar Pichai is now the CEO of Alphabet. The company works hard and is known as one of the gems of Silicon Valley.

Google Full Form

GOOGLE: Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth. Officially Google has no full form. It is generated from the word “googol” which means a huge number. The word “googol” represents a number that is 1 followed by 100 zeros.

Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth

Furthermore, GOOGLE is in other business sectors too. This includes the software, cloud computing, and hardware by Google. The company works hard and is known as one of the gems of Silicon Valley. The popularity of its search engine is so much that it has become a verb now. We don’t say the search for it. We say google it. That’s what the brand has accomplished in so many years of hard work. Other platforms of GOOGLE are Gdrive, Gmail, and YouTube. They have given a new definition to video watching experience through YouTube. Also, the community at YouTube is very vast. This gives an opportunity for the creator to grow as well as to learn something new.

This Full form can’t be considered as an official Full form of Google because of no official declaration made by Google for its full form or expenditure. Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth which is also known as Google. Officially Google has not a full form. It is generated from the word “googol” which means a huge number.

Google has a lot many applications such as Google Docs, Adwords, Adsense, Youtube, Gmail, Maps, Chrome,  Drive, etc. Google was started by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in the year 1996. They both were Ph.D. students at Stanford University, The domain google.com was registered on 14 September 1997.  

The subsidiaries of Google are YouTube, Fitbit, Dialogflow, Kaggle, Google AdMob, etc. There are four colors in the logo of Google. The four colors are Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow. There are some domain names of misspelled versions that are owned by Google like goolr.com, gogle.com, gooogle.com.

TermFull Form
GOOGLEGlobal Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth

Google FAQ’s

What Does GOOGLE Mean?

It’s not an official full form but it does means the same. However, Google came from the word Googol which means a very large number.

What is short form of Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth?

GOOGLE is short form of Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth.

What is Full Form of GOOGLE?

Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth is the full form of GOOGLE.

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Full form of GOOGLE, what is the full form of GOOGLE?
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