Full form of DNS, what is the full form of DNS?

The full form of DNS is Deviated Nasal Septum. DNS is the physical disorder of the nose that involves displacing the nasal septum. Most of the displacement is common and it affects around 80% of the people without their knowledge. If there is a deviation of the nasal septum from the center of nasal activity, it is known as the Deviated nasal septum.

Deviated Nasal Septum is called DNS. It is a disorder of the nose that involves displacing the nasal septum. If there is nonconformity of the nasal septum from the center of nasal activity, it is known as the Deviated nasal septum. The nasal septum covers the gristle and a bone that gulfs into two halves.

Deviated Nasal Septum

Further, this deviation makes the person have difficulties in breathing since one or the other nostrils is smaller. As mentioned above, the nasal septum contains cartilage and a bone that divides into two equal halves. This DNS develops either during birth or while growing or even when there is an injury in the nose. When DNS occurs, the common symptoms are common cold, blockage in the respiratory tract, headache, etc. Additionally, nose bleeding, obstruction of the nose, snoring, facial pain are the symptoms. Even patients feel sleeping at one side due to severe pain etc. Sometimes, symptoms are unknown. Therefore, one should take care of injuries by using protective equipment like wearing helmets or seat belts. Therefore, following specific protective measures will prevent DNS.

Symptoms of Deviated Nasal Septum-:
*Obstruction of one or both nostrils.
*Facial pain.
*Noisy breathing during sleep.
*Awareness of the nasal cycle.
*Preference for sleeping on a particular side.

when you should contact doctor-:
if you feel anything from following then you must see a doctor

  • *blocked nostrils or nostril
    *Frequent when blood comes out from your nose(nosebleeds)
    *recurrent sinusitis. (competing with frequent sinus infections is known as recurrent sinusitis.)

Safety precautions or Prevention
you should be confirmed it that your nose is safe:

Wear a helmet or a necessary face mask when playing, working, etc
the conclusion point is that You may be able to prevent injuries to your nose.

There is a little pain after the surgery. Acetaminophen is the pill given by the surgeon in the case of discomfort. Deviated Nasal Septum can cause obstructive sleep apnea which can also lead to high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, heart attacks, diabetes, depression, infections, severe headaches, etc.

Generally, a deviated septum that causes doesn’t require. But whether it’s worth getting fixed is your decision. If your symptoms aren’t bothersome and don’t interfere with your quality of life, then the risk of treatment may be more than the benefit. After the treatment, your nasal obstruction may improve for breathing.

TermFull Form
DNSDeviated Nasal Septum


What Does DNS Mean?

DNS is the physical disorder of the nose which involves displacing the nasal septum. Most of the displacement is common and it affects around 80% of the people without their knowledge.

What is short form of Deviated Nasal Septum?

DNS is short form of Deviated Nasal Septum.

What is Full Form of DNS?

Deviated Nasal Septum is full form of DNS.

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Full form of DNS, what is the full form of DNS?
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