Full form of CVA, what is the full form of CVA?

The full form of CVA is Cerebrovascular Accident. The medical term of a Stroke is CVA. In Cerebrovascular Accident, the regular blood supply gets reduced wherein the blockage happens. Either due to the blockage or breakage of a blood vessel, blood supply is stopped and stroke occurs. Due to this, since brain cells don’t get enough amount of oxygen, it starts dying.

A cerebrovascular Accident is known as CVA. Stroke can be a medical term for occurring CVA. In which the regular blood supply gets reduced wherein the blockage happens. Either it is due to the blockage or breaking of a blood vessel, or the blood supply is stopped in the body, which causes strokes.

Cerebrovascular Accident.

In countries like Australia, this CVA is considered to be a serious condition that leads to death. In general, it affects one side of the brain. There are 2 types of CVA, one is Ischemic Stroke and Hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic stroke is the most common one and it occurs when the artery gets blocked due to a blood clot. This in turn interrupts the supply of oxygen as well as nutrients to the brain. In the second type, when a blood vessel ruptures due to blood supply getting stopped. This is termed Hemorrhagic stroke. However, few measures can be taken to prevent stroke. They are limited to saturated fat intake, By quitting smoking and drinking. Additionally by maintaining normal body weight, intake of more fruits and vegetables as well as keeping diabetes in control.

CVA is a critical case and needs emergency help. There are two main causes of stroke namely ischemic stroke and hemorrhagic stroke. The acronym FAST is used to identify the symptoms such as face droop, arms drifted down, abnormal, slurred speech, blurred or darkened vision, sudden headache, difficulty in walking.

Now let us discuss the various factors that can raise your risk of a stroke. The major risk factors include High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Unhealthy diet, Heart diseases, Atrial fibrillation, Smoking, family history of getting stokes, Age, etc. The treatment is divided into three stages as Acute treatment, Post- stoke rehabilitation, Prevention.

TermFull Form
CVACerebrovascular Accident


What Does CVA Mean?

The medical term of a Stroke is CVA. In Cerebrovascular Accident, the regular blood supply gets reduced wherein the blockage happens.

What is short form of Cerebrovascular Accident.?

CVA is short form of Cerebrovascular Accident.

What is Full Form of CVA?

Cerebrovascular Accident is full form of CVA.

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Full form of CVA, what is the full form of CVA?
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