Full form of CFL, what is the full form of CFL?

The full form of CFL is compact fluorescent lamps. CFL is an energy-saving bulb that consumes very much less power in comparison with the old incandescent bulbs. CFL has two electrodes and one glass tube. The inner surface of the CFL is coated with phosphor and the glass tube has a mixture of mercury vapor. CFL works differently as compared to incandescent bulbs. In older incandescent bulbs, the light can be generated by letting the filament get heat during the electric current passage through a wire filament.

Compact fluorescent lamps are known as CFL. It is an energy-saving bulb that consumes very much less power in comparison with the old luminous bulbs. It Has one glass tube and two conductors, and an inner surface of the CFLis covered with phosphor, and the glass tube has a combination of mercury vapor into it.

compact fluorescent lamps.

On the other side, In CFL, the current passes through the tube which contains argon gas and mercury vapor. The current will trigger the mercury vapor which will generate ultraviolet light. Then this UV light comes in contact with the phosphor coating to spread light. There are two types of CFL namely integrated and nonintegrated. In an integrated CFL, there is only a single unit that consists of the tube, the electronic ballast, and the fitting. The non-integrated CFL has permanently installed electronic ballast in the luminaire. CFL is economically very efficient and capable of saving 60-70% more energy than incandescent bulbs. As it works more than the older bulbs so it is cost-efficient also. Eco-friendly is one of the best features of CFL.

A CFL also called compact fluorescent light, energy-saving light, and compact fluorescent lamp designed to replace an incandescent light bulb; some types fit into light fixtures designed for incandescent bulbs. The lamps use a tube that is curved or folded to fit into the space.

CFLs contain a very small amount of mercury, an average of 4 milligrams in each bulb. No mercury is released when the bulbs are in use. CFLs use less electricity than traditional light bulbs, they reduce the demand for electricity. CFLs use significantly less energy than traditional light bulbs almost 75% less.

The average lifespan of CFLs is about 8,000 hours. It is seen that Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) are slowly disappearing from stores. CFLs are okay for eyes as well as efficient and do not emit UV rays. Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL) are about 4 times as efficient as incandescent bulbs.

TermFull Form
CFLcompact fluorescent lamps


What Does CFL Mean?

CFL is an energy-saving bulb that consumes very much less power in comparison with the old incandescent bulbs. CFL has two electrodes and one glass tube.

What is short form of compact fluorescent lamps?

CFL is short form of compact fluorescent lamps.

What is Full Form of CFL?

compact fluorescent lamps is full form of CFL.

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Full form of CFL, what is the full form of CFL?
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