M,N,O,P- Full Forms

MSc Full Form, what is the Full Form MSc?

MSc is an acronym and its full form is Master of Science. In brief, the Master’s degree in the field of science. Master of Science degree is eventually given to those students who like to pursue their careers in the field of science, engineering, and medicine. While this is specifically focused on scientific and mathematical […]

NABH Full Form, What is the Full form of NABH?

Originally posted 2022-03-05 20:05:17. The full form of NABH is the National Accreditation Board for Hospital and Healthcare Providers which is a constituent board of the Quality Council in India, which is established to set up and operate accreditation programs and healthcare organizations. It was established in the year 2005 in New Delhi, India. NABH’s […]

MCA Full Form, what is the Full Form MCA?

Originally posted 2022-03-04 18:22:00. MCA is an acronym and stands for Master of Computer Application. In brief, its professional postgraduate Information Technology course, duration of 3 years. A candidate can pursue MCA after completing the bachelor’s program from any recognized university. On account of the usage of computer applications: It uses to solve specific problems […]

Full form of PWD, What does PWD stand for ?

The full form of PWD is Public Works Department, which is an Indian Government Department that actually deals with the construction and maintenance of public infrastructures such as roads, government buildings, bridges, water systems, and more. It is a central authority that looks after all the types of public sector works in India. PWD also […]

Full form of PV, what is the full form of PV?

Originally posted 2022-02-17 20:55:05. The full form of PV is Polycythemia Vera. This is a type of Blood cancer that produces lots of RBC(red blood cells) in excess and it’s slow-growing cancer. Rather than excess production of Blood cells, it also causes Blood clots, which in turn leads to a Heart attack. Additionally, this excess […]

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