The full form of BP is Blood Pressure

The full form of BP is Blood Pressure. In general blood pressure is understood as a pressure that circulates blood into the walls of the blood vessels.  However the act of pressure forces into the heart, in order to pump. In addition to that, pressure forces the blood through our circulatory system.  Ideally, for a normal human being the level of blood pressure should be below 120 over 80. In case, if the BP ranges from 120 to 80, then that person is considered to be a healthy person. However, we can consider the ranges from 90/60 mmHg to 120/80 mmHg as a normal BP level. On the other hand, if a person has a high BP their level ranges from 140/90mmHg or sometimes it may be higher.

Similarly, if a person has low BP then, his count will be 90/60mmHg or even lesser. Hear, BP is normally referred with the term systolic pressure. Again, it is nothing but states “maximum during one heartbeat”. Over that off diastolic pressure which means “minimum in between two heartbeats”. In the first place, you should be aware of the symptoms of BP. The most common symptoms are severe headache, severe anxiety, and shortness of breath, nosebleed, and feeling of pulsations in the neck or head.

Which range is considered the normal blood pressure range?

120/80 mmHg. But people can work over their blood pressure they can make it high or low as per their health care. The blood pressure is basically measured in the mercury range. Normally the range of blood pressure should be 90 to 120 for healthy people.

A one should take care of their health. Blood pressure plays an important role in life. Blood plays an important role in our bodies.


Blood Pressure.

Five Warning Symptoms of Stroke
*imidate dullness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg “especially on one side of the body”.
*imidate embarrassment or trouble speaking or comprehending speech.
*imidate vision difficulties in one or both eyes.
*imidate hardness walking or dizziness, loss of balance, or problems with coordination.
*imidate headache for an unknown reason.

If the Blood Pressure (BP) is high it is called hypertension which includes flushing, blood spots in the eyes and dizziness, etc. If the Blood Pressure (BP) is low it is called hypotension which includes lightheadedness, Fainting, Nausea, Fatigue, Lack of concentration, etc.

If you are a victim of high blood pressure, then you should adopt some lifestyle changes to lower your blood pressure.

  1. Exercise regularly – Exercising is very important. It helps in proper blood circulation in the body.
  2. Eat a healthy diet – Including healthy food in your diet helps you to remain healthy.

TermFull Form
BPBlood Pressure


What Does BP Mean?

In general blood pressure is understood as a pressure that circulates blood into the walls of the blood vessels.  However the act of pressure forces into the heart, in order to pump. In addition to that, a pressure forces the blood through our circulatory system. 

What is short form of Blood Pressure?

BP is short form of Blood Pressure.

What is Full Form of BP?

Blood Pressure is Full Form of BP.

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The full form of BP is Blood Pressure
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