Full Form of BODMAS, What is the Full form of BODMAS?

BODMAS is an acronym and its full form is Bracket [()],  order [^^],  Division [/],  Multiplication [*], Addition [+], and deduct [–]. It’s used to explain the decree of operation of a mathematical expression. In the meantime, for certain country is also known as PEMDAS and its full form is Parentheses [()], Exponents [^], Multiplication [*], Division [/], Addition [+], and Subtraction [–].

BODMAS is a short form used for mentioning bracket, order, division, multiplication, addition, and subtract. In addition, it is used for explaining mathematical expressions. In certain countries, it is also known as PEMDAS. This mathematical expression helps people to solve locution to generate a proper and error-free answer for the statement. It can also use for executing the operation in a mathematical expression.

In some contexts, replacing a division to multiplication form by the reciprocal method and subtraction by addition prefixing the subtraction sign to number inside of the bracket. For example, if a formulation is conferred as 8/4 then it is replaced by 8 * (1/4).

Bracket of Division Multiplication Addition and Subtraction

The operation of precedence helps to solve a locution to generate an error-free answer for the given expression of the statement. According to the formula of BODMAS, brackets need to be simply first then orders, a division [/], multiplication [*], the addition [+], and lastly deduct [–] in a given problem. The ambiguity gets absorb due to the BODMAS rule. For instance, if 5 + 4 * 2 is processes then using the formula of BODMAS it multiplies first and then adds not vis a vis.

BODMAS is a rule used to execute operations in given mathematical expressions. It is a mnemonic that can be used to remember the order in which to solve a mathematical problem. According to the BODMAS rule: Brackets first, followed by Orders(power and root), then division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction from left to right.

BODMAS rule was invented by Achilles Reselfelt who was a mathematician. It is a mnemonic that helps us remember how to solve mathematical problems where more than one operation is used. Due to the advancement in technology, many programming languages are used to set the BODMAS rule in various apps.

TermFull Form
BODMASBracket, of Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction


What Does BODMAS Mean?

is an acronym and its full form is Bracket [()],  order [^^],  Division [/],  Multiplication [*], Addition [+], and deduct [–]. It’s used to explain the decree of operation of a mathematical expression.

What is short form of Bracket,order,  Division,  Multiplication, Addition, and deduct.?

BODMAS is short form of Bracket, order, division, multiplication, addition, and deduct.

What is Full Form of BODMAS?

Bracket, order, division, multiplication, addition, and deduct is full form of BODMAS

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Full Form of BODMAS, What is the Full form of BODMAS?
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