Author : Tannika Bhattacharya

Hii i am Tannika Bhattacharya, i am from Kolkata. Presently I am a 2nd year student in Travel and Tourism Management. Writing was not at all my hobby or i can say it was not what i love the most, but working with Studywoo changes my mind and now i love writing and doing work for them. Here it helps me to gather more knowledge which will always help me in my future.

DHA Full Form, What is the Full form of DHA?

DHA is commonly known as Docosahexaenoic Acid which is an omega-3 fatty acid that helps as a primary structural component of the human brain, cerebral cortex, skin, and retina. It also helps in brain development during pregnancy and early childhood, however, it also helps in the development of heart health, better vision, and reduced inflammatory response. […]

DPT Full Form, What is the Full form of DPT?

DPT is referred to as Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus which is a name of a vaccine against the disease DDT which means Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane. From this vaccine, there may be some side effects that persist for 24-72 hours and responds to paracetamol. Such effects are :• fever• mild crankiness• tiredness• loss of appetite• tenderness, redness, or swelling […]

DOT Full Form, What is the Full form of DOT?

DOT is referred to as for Directly observed therapy which also known as TB-DOTS, which is the name given to control tuberculosis which is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). It is mainly the treatment of (TB) tuberculosis, which provides the prescribed TB drugs and notices whether the patient is swallowing every dose. DOT […]

ADS Full Form, What is the Full form of ADS?

The full form of ADS is Acquired Demyelinating Syndrome. ADS works for the child who has the first attack of multiple sclerosis (MS) in childhood can appear very differently from child to child. The most known and common symptoms of demyelinating disorders are –• Vision loss• Muscle weakness• Muscle stiffness• Muscle spasms• Changes in how […]

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