Author : Pradeeba

The full form of BT is Bleeding Time

Here the bleeding test is a medical examiner made on someone to identify their platelets function. Where in which, initially the patient is involved in bleeding and then check for the timeline, how long it takes for them to stop bleeding. Indeed there is a term “template bleeding time, which is often used when the test […]

The Full form of CBD is Common Bile Duct

The full form of CBD Common Bile Duct. Here, CBD is a small, tube-like structure formed where the common hepatic duct and the cystic duct intersect. Moreover, CBD is a passage with the well-defined wall in the gastrointestinal tract of an organism that has a gallbladder. In general, the role of CBD is to carry […]

The Full form of AED is Automated External Defibrillator:

The Full form of AED is Automated External Defibrillator: In this, we will understand, what AED is. AED is an Automated External Defibrillator. However, it is a portable electronic device. Moreover, it is an automatic machine. Notably, it helps in the diagnosis of cardiac. As a matter of fact, it counts ventricular fibrillation. Followed by which […]

The Full form of PNG is Portable Network Graphics:

The Full form of PNG is Portable Network Graphics: It is interesting to know about PNG. Now let us see what PNG is. PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics. As a known fact, PNG is a raster graphics file format. This actually supports the lossless data connection. It was created to replace GIF. This is because the GIF […]

The Full form of PMS is Premenstrual Syndrome:

The Full form of PMS is Premenstrual Syndrome: In the first place, let us understand what PMS is. PMS is Premenstrual Syndrome. As a matter of fact, it is a combination of physical & mental state of mind. However, PMS is that connected with the menstrual cycle of women. Moreover, it’s a connection with the menstrual […]

The Full form of PT is Prothrombin Time:

The Full form of PT is Prothrombin Time. PT is a test, which is taken for identifying the bleeding disorder. To emphasize, it is actually a test to measure the time of your blood clot. In addition to that with the help of PT, physicians identify International Normalized Ratio (INR). INR is nothing but, calculated […]

The Full form of MDVTI known as Maharishi Dayanand Vocational Training Institute:

The Full form of MDVTI known as Maharishi Dayanand Vocational Training Institute: This is an institution. It is known as Maharishi Dayanand Vocational Training institute. Hear, it is an ISO-certified institution. It is certified for the period of 9001 to 2015. However, it is registered by the government. In fact, MDVTI works for self-employment. In detail, it promotes […]

Full Form of NOC is the No Objection Certificate:

Full form of NOC is the No Objection Certificate: Let us understand NOC. Similarly, we will also analyze NOC. NOC is nothing but, a legal document. It’s referred to as the No Objection Certificate. Indeed, this certificate is an essential document. It is valid for all civil legal matters. However, it does not affect the […]

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