Author : Ayushi Jain

Full Form of NIIT, What is the Full form of NIIT?

The acronym NIIT stands for National Institute of Information Technology. To begin with, it’s an Indian Multinational company that offers learning management and training delivery solutions to corporations, institutions, and individuals.NIIT was established in 1981 by IITians Rajendra S. Pawar and Vijay K. Thadani from IIT Delhi, with one million rupees. In fact, NIIT conceived […]

XML Full Form, what is the Full Form XML?

XML is an acronym and its full form is Extensible Markup Language. It’s basically a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is equally readable by humans and machines. The goal of XML specifically designs to emphasize simplicity, generality, and usability across the Internet. Its chiefly textual data format with strong support via […]

Full form of ITI, What does ITI stand for?

“Industrial Training Institute” stands for the acronym ISI. ITI Course and Industrial Training Centers are post-secondary schools in India under the Directorate General of Training (DGT), Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Union Government to provide training in various trades. ITI was founded in the year 1950. The training center for the industrial area is […]


What is the full form of MTC? Abbreviation of MTC. There is no single abbreviation of MTC. People use the MTC abbreviation as per their sector and prefrence. MTC abbriviation can be related with the traffic control job or by the training centre. The meaning of abbreviation totally depends on the one who is using […]


Originally posted 2021-08-07 20:17:00. What is the full form of GIRL? Abbreviations has became the basic need of current chatting conversation people need short and shorter words so that they can easily chat faster without any hassle and they can clear their meaning without the burden of big words. Abbreviation of GIRL. There is no […]


Originally posted 2021-08-07 08:23:00. What is the full form of CEC? Abbreviation has became the basic need of people in their conversation which makes their conversation easy and more convenient although their are various abbreviations of a single word so it is mainly used by the different people with their convince. As if Is someone […]


What is the full form of LOL ? Abbreviation : LOL LOL – Lots Of Luck LOL – Lots Of Love LOL – Lots Of Liquor LOL – Loss Of Life LOL – Looking On Line LOL – Loads Of Laundry LOL – Little Old Lady LOL – Level Of Learning LOL – Lessen Our […]


What is the full form of APT? The laungague English is vast there are very long words use by the people in their daily conversation so for the ease and convenience of the people, people use these abbreviation so that they can complete their statements early and fast. Although there are a various abbreviations of […]

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