Full form of AM PM, what is the full form of AM PM?

The full form of AM is Ante Meridiem & PM is Post Meridiem. This unit defines time with the 12-hour clock system. The time between midnight and noon is referred to as AM. Vice versa is applicable in the case of PM. Additionally, AM time depicts a time before mid-day. PM defines the range after mid-day The time is divided into two parts the first one is known as AM. The second one is the PM. AM unit is applicable between 12: 00 am to 11: 59 am. On the contrary, PM refers to 12: 00 pm to 11: 59 pm. The unit avoids confusion in 12 hour clock time.

AM and PM both are Latin words, used in 12-hour clock system to represent Before Noon and After Noon respectively. 

Post Meridiem

From the Latin words meridians (midday), ante (before), and post (after), the term ante meridiem (a.m.) means before midday, and post meridiem (p.m.) means after midday. Post meridiem is usually used for showing the time after of the morning. As like 12 of the noon or you can say 12 P.M meridian is helpful in showing the time phrase.

 Ante Meridiem

Furthermore, if someone says he will meet at 7’o Clock. It is not well defined which time it is. Is it morning or evening? So this AM or PM will define the exact time period. As 7 AM is the morning time and PM is the evening time. This 12 hour time you can find in most of the computer-operated machines like television, Computer, mobile, digital clock, etc. However, the user can change the clock system from 12 hours to 24 hours. The timing naming is one of the many standards that we use while talking about time.

The 12- hour clock is time convection in which the 24 hours of the day are divided into two periods: a.m. (from the Latin, antemeridian, meaning before midday) and p.m.(post meridiem, meaning past midday). Each period consists of 12 hours numbered: 12 (acting as zero). Although in the 24-hour watch there is no AM PM it works over on the time duration of 12 after 13 then 14 till 24. Again it starts with zero which is 12 AM midnight and goes to 1-2-3.

The 12 hour clock was developed from the second millennium BC and reached its modern form in the 16th century AD. However, the 24 hour clock is the standard system used, especially in writing. The 12 hour is followed in various countries such as the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, etc.

Some keywords that you should remember:

AM is Ante Meridiem where Ante means before and Meridian means midday. PM is Post Meridiem where Post represents after and Meridian represents midday. Sometimes when we use the phrase o’clock for example 5 o’clock it creates confusion whether it is 5 AM or 5 PM 

TermFull Form
AMAnte Meridiem Before Midday


What Does AM or PM Mean?

This unit defines time with the 12-hour clock system. The time between midnight and noon is referred to as AM. Vice versa is applicable in the case of PM.

What is short form of Ante Meridiem & Post Meridiem?

AM or PM is short form of Ante Meridiem & Post Meridiem.

What is Full Form of AM or PM?

Ante Meridiem & Post Meridiem is full form of AM or PM.

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Full form of AM PM, what is the full form of AM PM?
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