ALU stands for Arithmetic Logic Unit. It is a part of the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer that performs arithmetic and logical operations.
The ALU is responsible for performing the basic operations that are required to execute instructions. These operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT.
What is the full form of “ALU”? The full form of ALU is the Arithmetic logical unit. It is the most important component of any CPU device. Additionally, all the logical operations are on the basis of this ALU only. Firstly, The computer converts the problem into Binary forms. Then the ALU processes these binary numbers into the mandatory operations to give the result. The basic structure of ALU involves an Input side to get the available inputs, the processing unit that does all the maths, and an output unit to give the result on the screen. We often refer to the CPU as the brain of the computer. Likewise, the ALU is the working part of this brain.
Furthermore, we all know that the machine only understands the binary language. The codes we enter into the computer make no sense to the ALU. However, once we covert them to the given form it starts making sense. The ALU will handle all the problems thereafter. The ALU also processes the result in form of BINARY. however, the converter changes it to the readable form of the users. The arithmetic in ALU means that it solves the Arithmetic maths problems of the computer. It includes the basic addition, instructions, and some advanced algebra too.
The full form of ALU is the Arithmetic Logical Unit. An arithmetic logic unit(ALU) is used to perform arithmetic and logic operations in the form of a digital circuit. It is the fundamental building block of the CPU the ALU is divided into components an arithmetic unit and a logic device.
The ALU unit has 2 main kinds of functions which are like they both perform arithmetic along with logical operators. In the unit of ALU is the thing where the calculation is done and the decision are taken. It also works as a gateway between both the storage primary along with secondary.
Some of the arithmetic and bitwise logic functions of ALU are Add, Add with carrying, Subtract, Subtract with borrow, Increment, Decrement, Pass through, and many more. In the year 1945, Mathematician John von Neumann proposed the ALU concept in a report on the foundations for a new computer called the EDVA.
The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) consists of central processing units (CPUs), FPUs, and graphics processing units. The design of the ALU is a complicated part of the processor. New technologies are being introduced to speed up instruction. ALU is the “calculator” portion of the computer.
Term | Full Form |
ALU | Arithmetic logical unit |
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