Full form of IMO, what is the full form of IMO?

The full form of IMO is the International Maritime Organization. It is an organization that deals with marine ships. It is also known as the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMO). It was started in 1948 by Geneva. This organization was created for the prevention of marine pollution, also responsible for the atmospheric environment polluted by ships. IMO made rules and regulations for marine safety, which are helpful to less pollute the air by marines. It is a special agency that is run by the United States. This framework proved very effective and was globally implemented. It has 172 member states and 3 associate members. This data was determined in 2017.

IMO stands for “International Maritime Organization.” They are responsible for the atmospheric environment contaminated by ships. IMO made rules and regulations for marine safety, which oblige to pollute the air by maritime. It is a singular agency that the United States has. This framework was very effective and was globally implemented. Now the IMO has to maintain and cover all the features of international shipping.

What Is the International Maritime Organization (IMO)?The International Maritime Organization (IMO)

International Maritime Organization

This organization is working smoothly because every marine and its members are working as per the rules and regulations that were made by the International Maritime Organization. It has proved to be a very successful decision made by the United Kingdom. The IMO has to maintain and cover all the aspects of international shipping, such as ship construction, design, operations, equipment, disposal, and the safety of members who are performing their jobs in it. It meets the policy guidelines that are favored in the International Maritime Organization and also for environmental performance. They also modify these rules and regulations from time to time.

Key of IMO Conventions
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS, 1974, as improved.
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as changed or modified by the Protocol of 1978 linking thereto and by the Protocol of 1997 (MARPOL)
International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers ( STCW) as improved, including the 1995 and 2010 Manila Corrections.

The four pillars of IMO are the Law of Sovereignty of Nations, the Law of Freedom of Contract and Legal Personality of a Ship, and the Law of Freedom of the High Seas. IMO was founded on March 17th, 1948. The headquarters are in London, the United Kingdom. The parent organization of IMO is the United Nations.

The head of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), who is also known as the Secretary General is Kitack Lim. IMO consists of the following committees along with a Council and an Assembly:

1) Maritime Safety Committee

2) Marine Environment Protection Committee

3) Legal Committee

4) Technical Co-operation Committee 

5) Facilitation Committee

TermFull Form
IMOInternational Maritime Organization


What Does IMO Mean?

It is an organization that deals with marine ships. Also, It is known as the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMO).

What is short form of International Maritime Organization?

IMO is short form of International Maritime Organization.

What is Full Form of IMO?

International Maritime Organization is full form of IMO.

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Full form of IMO, what is the full form of IMO?
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