What is the full form of MTC?

Abbreviation of MTC. There is no single abbreviation of MTC. People use the MTC abbreviation as per their sector and prefrence. MTC abbriviation can be related with the traffic control job or by the training centre. The meaning of abbreviation totally depends on the one who is using it because the only knows why they are using that abbreviation and what is the need of that abbreviation right now.

Abbreviation : MTC

  1. MTC – Man-Tended Capability
  2. MTC – Manual Traffic Control
  3. MTC – Man Tended Capability
  4. MTC – Master Thrust Control
  5. MTC – Master Thrust Controller
  6. MTC – Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma
  7. MTC – Mission and Traffic Control
  8. MTC – Mission Training Center
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