Full form of FATCA, what is the full form of FATCA?

The full form of FATCA is the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. It came into force in 2010 by United States Federal Law for all the non-US FFI (Foreign Financial Institutions). FATCA is an act that provides the United State persons to file their annual reports of their holdings. Moreover, these reports are for their financial assets outside the US & according to pay tax on it. It is compulsory to file the report for all of their assets held outside the US once a year. FATCA promotes cross-border tax for the automatic information exchange according to the US’s taxpayers. The person has to pay tax two times on the asset holds outside the US, first in which country has an asset & then in the US.

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act is known as FATCA. This is an act that provides the United States persons to file their annual reports of their holdings. Moreover, these reports are for their financial assets outside the US & according to pay tax on it. Majorly FATCA endorses cross-border tax for the automatic info exchange conferring to the US’s taxpayers.

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

US government promotes FATCA become they have an objective which they want to achieve. The objective is to increase transparency for the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) with the help of the taxpayers who invest & earned profits through trade-in non-US institutions. Foreign financial institutions don’t follow the IRS (Internal Revenue Service). However, they pay a flat 30% rate tax on their holdings & also they are excluded from the US markets.

Do you know about TIN?

Taxpayer identification number (tin) is a nine-digit identification number used by the internal revenue service (IRS) in the administration of tax laws in the US. It is issued either by the SSA (social security administration) or by theirs. An SSN (social security number) is issued by the SSA (social security administration) whereas all other tins are issued by theirs. In the context of countries other than ours, tin is its functional equivalent or tax identification number.

FATCA is a law that makes it compulsory for U.S. citizens at home and abroad to file annual reports on any foreign account holdings. FATCA was enacted by the 111th United States Congress. The bills have been introduced by the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) applies to individual citizens, residents, and non-residents. There is a term called Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR), which holds similarity with FATCA as the reporting requirements are the same. There are some differences between them as well. As some assets need to be mentioned in one form whereas some in both the forms of FATCA and FBAR.

TermFull Form
FATCAForeign Account Tax Compliance Act


What Does AFATCA Mean?

It came into force in 2010 by United States Federal  Law for all the non-US FFI (Foreign Financial Institutions). FATCA is an act which provides the United State persons to file their annual reports of their holdings.

What is short form of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act?

FATCA is short form of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

What is Full Form of FATCA?

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act is full form of FATCA.

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Full form of FATCA, what is the full form of FATCA?
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