The Full form of PT is Prothrombin Time:

The Full form of PT is Prothrombin Time. PT is a test, which is taken for identifying the bleeding disorder. To emphasize, it is actually a test to measure the time of your blood clot. In addition to that with the help of PT, physicians identify International Normalized Ratio (INR). INR is nothing but, calculated from PT. This calculation helps physicians on monitoring the blood flow. However, from monitoring, they will derive a conclusion on how to prevent blood clots. Moreover, sample blood is drawn from a vein or finger stick. Furthermore, from that sample, a test will be taken. Hear, PT is measured in seconds. From that, it will be compared to the normal range. In the first place, a blood sample will be taken. Second, it will be measured in seconds. Third, it works in blood-thinning medication. Finally, derives to a conclusion on how to prevent blood clots. Similarly, PT is done in addition to Partial Thermoplastic Time. From that, physicians assess the function of protein in the blood. This function of protein is called a coagulation factor. Moreover, they are an integral part of blood clot formation.  In addition to that, The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has endorsed some home INR and PT testing systems. However, the home testing has to be done with care.

Prothrombin Time is known as PT. it is a test, which is taken for identifying the bleeding disorder. To emphasize, it is a test to measure the time of your blood clot. PT is measured in seconds. From that, it will be compared to the normal range. This purpose of protein is called coagulation factors. Furthermore, they are an essential part of blood clot formation.

Prothrombin Time

Let’s know more about that prothrombin time “PT” is a test used to help identify and diagnose a bleeding complication or excessive clotting disturbance; the international normalized ratio “INR” is calculated from a PT result and is used to observe how well the blood-thinning medication “anticoagulant” warfarin “Coumadin” is struggling to prevent blood.

A typical Prothrombin Time (PT) result is 10 to 14 seconds. If it is taking more time it is an indication of Bleeding or clotting disorder, Lack of vitamin K, Lack of clotting factors. Drinking alcohol can also affect PT results. Barbiturates, oral contraceptives and hormone-replacement therapy, and vitamin K may decrease PT. 

The normal range for PT results is 11 to 13.5 seconds. Let us have a look at the formula of Prothrombin Time (PT). 

INR = (PT test/ PT normal) into ISI


  1. INR means the international normalized ratio
  2. PT test means tested prothrombin time
  3. PT normal is the normal prothrombin time
  4. ISI is the international sensitivity index
TermFull Form
PTProthrombin Time


What Does PT Mean?

PT is a test, which is taken for identifying the bleeding disorder. To emphasize, it is actually a test to measure the time of your blood clot. In addition to that with the help of PT, physicians identify International Normalized Ratio (INR). INR is nothing but, calculated from PT.

What is short form of Prothrombin Time?

PT is short form of Prothrombin Time.

What is Full Form of PT?

Prothrombin Time is Full Form of PT.

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The Full form of PT is Prothrombin Time:
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