Full form of NICU, what is the full form of NICU?

Originally posted 2022-02-09 15:24:44.

The full form of NICU is the Newborn or Neonatal Intensive care unit. In other words, it is also known as Intensive care Nursery which provides special attention to premature or newborn babies who is ill. In general, the term Neonatal refers to the babies in the first 28 days of their life.

The newborn or Neonatal Intensive care unit is known as NICU. It is also known as Intensive care Nursery which provides special attention to premature or Newborn babies who are ill. These children are reserved in these sections as a sign of prematureness. The main imperative point to be noted is this division has special equipment as well as persons to take care of the babies.

Newborn or Neonatal Intensive care unit.

Since the 1960s, this Neonatal care is been major specialized care. Especially in hospitals, there is a specific department for pediatrics, where newborn infants are kept for diagnosis. These children are kept in these departments as a sign of premature. The main important point to be noted is this department has special equipment as well as persons to take care of the babies. Correspondingly, this equipment supplies some adequate oxygen and keeps the room inappropriate temperature too. For a baby to sustain itself, the particular room provides a better environment. This unit in turn takes care of nurses, Physicians, pharmacists as well as dieticians. There are some special care and disciplines to take care of these babies. Therefore, Neonatal specialists train the nurses in order to take care of newborns who are sick in special clinics as well as delivery rooms too.

To promote maturity neonates place in the standard position – one which matches the position they would be in if they were still inside mothers belly. This may involve placing a baby on their abdomen, side, or back. Arms will be flexed and near the face and hips and crooks will be tucked towards the abdomen.

The first American newborn intensive care unit was designed by Louis Gluck. It was first opened in October 1960 at Yale New Haven Hospital. Neo, “new”, and natal means “pertaining to birth or origin”. The first 28 days of life are referred to as Neonatal. 

What are the 4 levels of NICU?

A new born baby needs a lot of care. There are levels which specify the extent of care and attention given to the babies. Level 1 is for basic newborn care to ensure that the babies are healthy. Level 2 is for advanced newborn care. Level 3 is for subspecialty newborn care. Level 4 is for advanced newborn care.

TermFull Form
NICUNewborn or Neonatal Intensive care unit


What Does NICU Mean?

In other words, it is also known as Intensive care Nursery which provides special attention to prematured or newborn babies which is ill.

What is short form of Newborn or Neonatal Intensive care unit?

NICU is short form of Newborn or Neonatal Intensive care unit.

What is Full Form of NICU?

Newborn or Neonatal Intensive care unit is full form of NICU.

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Full form of NICU, what is the full form of NICU?
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