The full form of CPD is Cephalo-pelvic disproportion. In this case, CPD happens when the fetal head cannot fit through the mother’s pelvis. However, it is a condition where the baby’s head is too large to negotiate the birth canal. In general, CPD may be due to a small maternal pelvis, or the baby being too big. Sometimes it occurs because of both the reasons mentioned. To emphasize we may come across the term CPD every now and then, but in reality, it’s pretty rare. In some cases, the diagnosis of CPD is given during labor when failing to progress. While in the eighteenth or nineteenth censure, lack of nutritious food may cause pelvic anomalies. Whereas this may cause CPD as a common occurrence. While in today’s scenario it’s very few. Of course, if an explicit diagnosis of CPD happens, there would be a safe cesarean for both fetal and mother. On the other hand, if the CPD fails inaccurate diagnosis, it may have an adverse effect. In case the baby’s body or head is too big sometimes the surgeons may suggest labor induction. To explain this is nothing but a treatment that stimulates fetal birth. Consequently, diagnosis of CPD usually results in cesarean.
CPD is known as Cephalo-pelvic disproportion. CPD mainly happens when the fetal head cannot fit through the mother’s pelvis. CPD may be due to a small maternal pelvis, or the baby is too big. It is meant that CPD is infrequent, but in many cases, failure of prog” during labor are given an analysis of CPD has made.
Cephalopevic disproportion (CPD) occurs when a baby’s head or body is too large to fit through the mother’s pelvis. It is believed that true CPD is rare, but many cases of “failure of progress” during labor are given a diagnosis of CPD has made, the safest type of delivery for mother.
Some of the indicators and signs to know if you have cephalopelvic disproportion are Prolonged labor, fetal distress, high levels of amniotic fluid, large fundal height measurement, etc. The situation cannot be diagnosed until pregnancy. CPD is the result of rickets, pelvic tumors, a previous injury or accident, etc.
Cephalo-pelvic disproportion (CPD) is very rare. CPD occurs in 1 out of 250 pregnancies. If you face CPD once, it may or may not cause problems in the future. A large fetus is the one cause of CPD. Due to gestational diabetes, post-term pregnancy, genetic factors, and multiparty, a large fetus can be seen.
Term | Full Form |
CPD | Cephalo-pelvic disproportion |
In this case, CPD happens when the fetal head cannot fit through the mother’s pelvis. However, it is a condition where the baby’s head is too large to negotiate the birth canal.
CPD is short form of Cephalo-pelvic disproportion.
Cephalo-pelvic disproportion is full form of CPD.
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